Supper November 20th, 2009
Menu for November 20th.
An Apéritif
Shaved turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, and radishes with arugula and blue cheese
Chickpea and chestnut soup with chestnut butter toast
Red wine braised pork shoulder with roasted parsnips, rutabaga, and shallots
Pumpkin pot de creme with chocolate speculaas
Dünne scheibe weiße rübe, topinambur, und radieschen mit rucola und blauschimmelkäse
Kichererbse und kastanie suppe mit kastanie butter toast
Rotwein geschmort schweinekamm mit geröstet pastinaken, kohlrübe, und schalotten
Kürbis pot de creme mit schokolade speculaas
Supper is served at 20 uhr sharp!
Water and coffee included.
Wine and beer available or feel free to bring your own.
Email us to make a reservation or to be added to the mailing list -
Reservations are limited. Please let us know if you decide to cancel.